Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I have already mentioned about chitrasen pasayat, book- Tibe, caste and folk culture. chitrasen pasayat research on tribals located in gainpura, kainsar, sambulpur town and koshal of western orissa. Orissa only been selected because of the richness of folk and tribal culture. based on the primary and secondary sources he has done a detail research, from the sociohistory to modern changes in the sambulpur town. He as done a field work, collected information about the region and the culture. some of the field work and secondary sources explains that sambulpur town as separate history where it was under chauhan rulers for 500 years. it is also distributed across two states madhya pradesh and orissa, where it is a indication of culturocide. The history says that sambalpuris are from western orissa and had cultural conflict. The social, history, political and cultural aspects of sambalpuris had been dramatic and drastic.chitrasenas field work focused on the rituals and costomes, where he collected informationa about three festivals, nuakhai, daikhai, and karma. In coming up posts i would discuss on this rituals and festivals.

kiran kumar ctl

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Community Dwelling

To read Neha's articlem click HERE.